Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 222)

What You Should Know Before Speaking With A Workers Compensation Attorney

What You Should Know Before Speaking With A Workers Compensation AttorneyWhen you suffer a workplace injury, you will probably want to consult with a worker’s attorney in the pursuit of some sort of compensation. Especially if your injury means that you can no longer work and support yourself as you’re accustomed to. However lawsuits are, at the best of times, complicated and expensive processes, and while many go into them expecting large payouts such rewards are... ❯❯❯

How to cope with your personal injuries and compensation for them?

You might be seriously injured to the point where you are unable to work for a long time. There is also the possibility that you might eventually become permanently disabled. This can obviously be very traumatic to people who have been active and who have worked all of their lives. However, it is important that you know what to do if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation. A good... ❯❯❯

Estate Planning For Those Receiving Government Assistance

Estate planning for those who have family members already receiving government help is complicated. Beneficiaries who are receiving government support are typically comprised of people with disabilities or special needs.   An appropriate estate plan can save a family member from losing crucial government benefits. In the case of having a family member who has a disability, he or she may lose... ❯❯❯

A Bankruptcy Attorney Can Get You Debt Free

Being in debt is Stressful. Being heavily in debt means having creditors and collection agencies come knocking at your door or ringing your phone leaving constant reminders and notices about the money you need to repay. Needless to say, dealing with this is exhausting and mentally draining and can hurt and change people significantly. If you find yourself in too deep and with no manageable way... ❯❯❯

Reasons To Hire a Family Lawyer in the Ottawa Area

One of the hardest things a person will have to do in their life is to keep a marriage going. In some cases, the people in a marriage will not be able to keep it together and will have to file for a divorce. A divorce can be very hard on all of the people involved in it. If there are children involved, the divorce proceedings can take a turn for the worst in a hurry. The best way to combat this... ❯❯❯

What to Look (out) for in a Nursing Home or Hospice Center

What to Look (out) for in a Nursing Home or Hospice Center  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently about 16,000 nursing homes housing about 1.5 million senior citizens across the country. While the idea of putting a family member in a hospice center or nursing home is an unpleasant one, if a loved one of any age needs attentive, on-going medical care in excess of what you can personally provide, it may become a... ❯❯❯

3 Tips on Criminal Record Suspension

Making mistakes is just part of life, but in some cases, these mistakes can cost a person their freedom and their ability to do certain things. Having a criminal record can hold you back and make it nearly impossible to do things like get a good job or even travel. In Canada, they have what is called a criminal record suspension. This process will allow you to get the dings on your record taken... ❯❯❯

Finding an affordable car accident lawyer

Have you been the victim of a car accident?  Did you suffer injuries as a result of the accident?  The truth is, car accidents can often lead to serious injuries, the kind of injuries that can dramatically impact virtually every aspect of a person’s life.  Often, these accidents are the result of careless or distracted driving, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  The good... ❯❯❯

Things Most People Don’t Know About Liability (That You Should)

To be liable for something from a legal viewpoint means that you bear a responsibility for something under the law. To be more precise, you share in a liability that may translate into ramifications against your possessions or person. While everyone may or may not have a general idea of what this means, very few have a keen understanding of how much liability they personally have in a given... ❯❯❯

How Do Other Countries Stack Up When It Comes To Paying Overtime Wages?

Putting in overtime hours can be bittersweet for most people. You are spending more time at your job instead of spending time doing what you want. However, for your extra time and effort, you are compensated at a higher than normal rate. It is a pretty fair trade off. We are all aware that citizens in the United States of America benefit from overtime pay. What about other countries though? Does... ❯❯❯

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