Legal Guide

Injuries at Work. The Employer and Employee Responsibilities.

Workers going about their duties at work should be able to do so without any threat to their safety and wellbeing and this is only possible if their workstations are safe and secure. A safe work environment puts the workers at ease and this goes a long way to boost their productivity. Employers should, therefore, strive to keep their workspaces as safe as possible if they want their employees to operate at their optimum best. They are also legally required to do so and a failure to fulfill this standard could put the employers into a lot of trouble with the law. Despite the efforts, accidents still happen at work leaving the employees injured and hurt. Although the employers are not always to blame for the accidents in the office, they are still responsible for the injuries suffered at work. This piece highlights the responsibilities of the employers and those of the employees when it comes to injuries at work.

The responsibilities of the Employees.

The employees are required to act responsibly when they are at work. They must be careful when going about their activities so as to reduce the likelihood of getting injured. If the nature of their work requires them to wear certain protective gear such as helmets and protective gloves, then they should make sure that they wear them every time they are at work. This will keep them safe and prevent them from getting hurt as they go about their duties. They should also make sure that they don’t report to work when they are drunk or high on drugs as this impairs their judgment and makes it easy for them to get injured when going about their duties. Employees should also report the injuries as soon as they suffer them. This will ensure that they get the needed medical attention for a quick recovery. Reporting the injuries as soon as they happen also helps in their personal injuries claim as the supervisor will be able to correctly note down the circumstances surrounding the accidents and the injuries. Employees can seek legal aid when they notice that their employers are slow to take responsibility for the injuries suffered. Click here to find competent lawyers to help you with your personal injury claim when you get injured at work.

The responsibilities of the Employers.

The employers must ensure that their offices and workstations are safe and conducive for work activities. They must also help the injured workers to get the needed medical attention when they get injured at work. They should also help the employees with their worker’s compensation claim by filling the necessary documents and forwarding them to their compensation carrier. Sometimes, the compensation carrier may require more information than has been provided in the First Report of Injury document and the employer should cooperate with such requests and furnish the carriers with all the information that they need. This will hasten the compensation process and the workers will be able to receive what is rightfully theirs.

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