Hundreds of thousands of people are injured every year in Canada, with tens of thousands being injured in Calgary, which has a population well above a million people. A lot of these accidents are not the fault of the victims, and thus the victims are entitled by law to some type of settlement. Though dealing with only the insurance companies and responsible parties, the victims of these accidental... ❯❯❯
Law school is a fundamental transition to a legal career. For a student to prepare for the career ahead, they need to learn many valuable skills. They include communication skills, critical and creative thinking, and problem-solving skills, listening, negotiation, persuasive skills and many others. Students should also be hard on themselves so that they can have an easy time in future. They... ❯❯❯
For most families, childbirth can be a traumatic experience and one that might have a long lasting impact. You or your child can sustain medical injuries, which may result in permanent disability and a lifetime of suffering and pain.
When it happens, it’s best to ask for a care giver guide and look for a birth injury attorney who can help you file a case and get the compensation and justice that... ❯❯❯
When you ride around with a motorcycle, there are many things that could potentially happen. No one wants to be involved in an accident, but it’s one of those things that could happen to anyone. If, in any case, you run into an accident, it’s best always to file a report. It’s also a good idea to hire a lawyer to represent you especially if you get serious injuries from the accident. Here are... ❯❯❯
Personal Injury cases revolve around claiming for compensation for the injuries and losses you have suffered. However, as with all legal matters, there are technicalities involved in personal injury cases as well.
An important factor that goes into your personal injury claim, is calculating the value of the claim. Calculating the value in turn depends upon miscellaneous factors as well.
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If you’ve recently been in an automobile accident for which you were not at fault, then you could be looking at several losses, such as the damage to your vehicle and the injuries you have sustained. Depending on your injuries, you may even be facing a good amount of recovery time, and that is going to cut into the time you would normally be spending at work.
You don’t want to have to fork over... ❯❯❯
A birth injury lawsuit typically takes anywhere between three to six months if the insurance company is willing to offer a fair settlement. If the case goes to trial, it could take a year to 18 months to reach a verdict. Each case is unique, and how long your case will take depends on a variety of factors. These include: Where you are located How many defendants there are The number of... ❯❯❯
If you get a DUI (driving under the influence), you can almost guarantee a license suspension. The first thought that comes to mind is, will I be able to drive? If not, how long will I be suspended? This article will explain all you need to know.
What happens at the moment of the arrest?
If you are a Californian citizen and you are arrested for driving under the influence, your license will be... ❯❯❯
There are few forms of transportation more romanticized than the motorcycle. Planted into our collective imagination is the image of a windblown rebellious loner, ignoring the rules of safety and mocking the diffidence of conventional society. Unfortunately, those rules exist for a reason; motorcycles are incredibly dangerous and accidents happen all the time. Although falling off of an open... ❯❯❯
Legal issues could come up for all sorts of foreseen or unforeseen reasons. Workplace injuries, car accidents, and even criminal charges could necessitate legal action. In case, you are not sure of your legal rights, you may need the legal assistance or guidance of a qualified lawyer. There could be thousands of legal subspecialties; however, lawyers could be categorized broadly into just a few... ❯❯❯