Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 161)

Behavior Matters: How to Avoid Being Held in Contempt of Court During Your Divorce

Behavior Matters: How to Avoid Being Held in Contempt of Court During Your DivorceAn unusual amount of focus is paid on your behavior during divorce proceedings. Both in court and outside, you are meant to be proving your own good character. When you fail to do so, you could be held in contempt and face penalties. What Does it Mean to Be Held in Contempt? To be held in contempt of court means to break the rules set by the court. These rules can be written or unwritten and... ❯❯❯

Hidden benefits of personal injury attorney

Hidden benefits of personal injury attorneyAccidents are so common nowadays. Because of the heavy traffic and harsh driving accidents have become a very common thing. When a person drives harshly in a hurry then there are high chances for him to face an accident. This is why people are well aware of the importance of insurance. Insurance companies bring a hand in a tough time. Whether it is life insurance, accident or any other. They... ❯❯❯

Things you should immediately do after a car accident

Things you should immediately do after a car accidentA car accident can make someone blank entirely at the accident scene! The law indeed needs to get involved, but there a few other things to do as well. Simply put, the immediate response can get categorized into three steps: What happened before the accident? What happened at the accident spot? What took place after the accident? It might sound easy, but executing the same is challenging!... ❯❯❯

Reasons Why a Physician Must Consult a Healthcare Fraud Attorney

The objective of the healthcare industry is predominantly to provide assistance to sick people. Moreover, they are relentlessly striving towards providing a powerful platform for top quality medical care and relevant financial support. Fraudulent activities are bound to adversely affect the reputation and overall goodwill of physicians and healthcare entities. This is chiefly the reason why... ❯❯❯

3 Key Ways Criminal Charges and Convictions Can Impact Your Family

3 Key Ways Criminal Charges and Convictions Can Impact Your FamilyCriminal charges can have long-lasting effects on the individual who was charged and their loved ones. Any charge, from misdemeanor to felony, can have a major impact on your life. However, more serious charges will carry more weight. For example, an employer may still be willing to hire someone with a misdemeanor in their record if it was for a crime that the company doesn’t feel is severe... ❯❯❯

The Rights of Motorcycle Passengers in an Accident

Personal injury laws vary from state to state. Some states will require motorcycle operators to have their own specialized insurance and higher coverages due to their real potential for bodily harm. If bikers wear a helmet, they may be able to avoid having to purchase this motorcycle rider insurance. However, negligent drivers do not get excused from being liable just because motorcycle riders... ❯❯❯

6 Good Reasons Why You Should Hire a Family Law Attorney

Divorce, child support, child custody, and alimony cases are usually challenging for anyone to go through. The stress and emotions that usually accompany thee cases are sufficient to make anyone feel defeated even before they start the process. Now, if you’re in the UK, there’s no legal law that requires you to hire a family law attorney. If anything, you can always represent yourself, right? ... ❯❯❯

The Controversy Over Cannabis and Driving

In the wake of state-by-state legislation decriminalizing marijuana for recreational and medical use, law enforcement is on heightened alert for drivers who might be under the influence of marijuana. These so-called “marijuana DUI” cases are a relatively new phenomenon. Twenty-five years ago drug DUI cases were scarcely heard of. Most states did have some sort of catch-all legislation on the... ❯❯❯

5 Tips to Ensure a Successful Arbitration

5 Tips to Ensure a Successful ArbitrationWith the costs of going to court and trial, arbitration is becoming one of the most common and popular ways to resolve issues and disputes. Even so, arbitrators are often surprised that attorneys are disorganized or unprepared for the process. Carry on reading to find out our top tips to ensure a successful arbitration. Royalty Free Photo What is Arbitration? Arbitration is a different way... ❯❯❯

How To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit In Miami

Life is unpredictable if someone has gone through an accident or any personal injury should consult the insurance company. To avail insurance money after any accidental injury (like, car injury) or any other personal injury, they have the right to claim from the insurance company in Miami. Amongst all, personal injury is the most common one, it happens by the driver, passengers, and beyond of the... ❯❯❯

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