Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 139)

Fake Personal Injury Claims – Here’s Why You Should Avoid Them

When talking about personal injury claims, we often think about two main things. Namely, how much some earn from them and how silly some of those claims sound. For example, a minor slip and fall on a half-wet floor in a market could help you fund the first sports car of your life! Because of this, it’s obvious that some people would try to engage in fake personal injury claims. In the following... ❯❯❯

Are You a Content Creator? Here are the Laws You Should Know

Given the most recent events – namely the pandemic we’re all facing - more and more people turned their attention to the online environment. Naturally, this had made a lot of them try content creation, especially if they were among the people who were fired when businesses closed across the world. While content creator seems to be a cool and fairly easy job title, it does come with laws that... ❯❯❯

Things You Must Be Aware of Before Sending Your Parents to a Nursing Home

The time when you’ll have to send your parents to a nursing home will eventually come – sooner or later. Depending on how they lived their lives or the illnesses they have, they may be bound to be sent to a nursing home. However, nursing homes shouldn’t be seen as some sort of death – as many people online consider. Instead, they should be considered as places where our elders can receive the... ❯❯❯

Different Types of Car Accidents and How to Handle them Legally

Ten million car accidents occur every single year, according to statistics. At the same time, car accident injury claims are known as some of the highest-paying injury claims throughout the world. Given this, everyone should know how to handle a car accident – no matter its type – in a legally-correct manner. Namely, they should know what to do to ensure a proper claim with the right amount of... ❯❯❯

Drug Laws that Can Turn You from User to Trafficker

Drugs can bear serious offenses and consequences. Some would say that drug laws come with thin lines between them. In fact, those thin lines keep the streets safe and prevent more people from trying drugs – even if they don’t traffic them! As such, drug trafficking lawyers are often found to represent people who had no idea they’d end up in court and be seen as traffickers. Moreover, in most... ❯❯❯

5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About OUI Offenses

For those of you that don’t know, OUI means operating under the influence of various substances and intoxicants. The last part refers mainly to heavy drinking and illegal drugs. Also, even though OUI sounds pretty similar to DUI and DWI, the laws in some states make them a bit different in terms of offenses. This is why you should always catch up with the latest driving laws when you’re in a new... ❯❯❯

How to Stay Legal and Prevent Your Business from Being Sued?

Running a business is, without a doubt, more than just interesting – especially if you're living your dream! However, as with most things that involve finances and a lot of management, there's the chance that something will go wrong. In this respect, we refer to practices that may get a business sued for various reasons. What you know as something that business owners usually do may not be seen... ❯❯❯

The 7 Key Benefits of a Personal Injury Lawyer

The 7 Key Benefits of a Personal Injury LawyerThere are many benefits of personal injury lawyers, and it is essential for you to know about them. For some people, the idea that a personal injury lawyer even exists can be somewhat surprising. However, today you will learn about what this legal specialization typically entails, and how you can get the most out of dealing with them in the unfortunate circumstance that you require their... ❯❯❯

How Does A Class Action Lawsuit Work?

How Does A Class Action Lawsuit Work?Class-action lawsuits allow groups of people (called plaintiffs) to seek justice and claims against defendants (usually a large company or government) that caused them substantial loss or harm. It can apply to product liabilities, privacy breaches, labour and employment and institutional abuse, environmental accidents and mass injuries. Unfortunately, class action lawsuits are difficult to... ❯❯❯

Is the electric shock nerve injury dangerous?

This type of injury can occur when a person touches an electrical source. In this case, the energy will flow through the body, generating a shock. This can cause devastating damage to the human body and many people who are electrocuted lose their lives. Each year many people suffer from electrocution after coming in direct contact with electrical circuitry, appliances, or simple electrical wires.... ❯❯❯

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