Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 127)

How To Choose A Disability Lawyer

How To Choose A Disability LawyerNo one wants to go through unnecessary legal proceedings. However, if you do find yourself dragged into the legal system, a good lawyer makes all the difference. Royalty-free image For disabled clients, finding a dedicated lawyer has become much easier thanks to the internet. Here’s what you need to know to find the right lawyer for your case. Define Your Needs Before you can start looking... ❯❯❯

Dealing with Road Accident Cases in Ireland

Dealing with Road Accident Cases in IrelandDuring the COVID-19 pandemic there have been fewer people on the roads in Ireland. This would make you think that there are less accidents because there are less people driving. However, this isn’t the case. When there are less cars and traffic, people drive faster. Speeding and driving under the influence have led to more crashes and more fatalities. These increases have occurred across Europe. ... ❯❯❯

How to Spot Birth Injury Symptoms

Many parents are often excited about the birth of their young ones that they rarely look for signs that anything went wrong. A parent is most likely to rethink the events leading to the birth of their child after noticing an issue in their kid’s development progress. If your child is showing signs of cognitive or physical distress or has missed any of the crucial developmental milestones, this... ❯❯❯

How Do I Know if I've Been Unfairly Dismissed?

How Do I Know if I've Been Unfairly Dismissed?Being dismissed from your job is a difficult situation to have to face. There are many reasons that an employee can be legally dismissed, such as in the case of genuine redundancy, because of poor performance or due to serious misconduct. However, there are also plenty of situations where employees are dismissed unfairly and may be entitled to legal recourse. Employers have a duty of care... ❯❯❯

Need an Attorney Fast? Here’s How to Raise the Funds Required

If you believe that you will soon be involved in a lawsuit, whether as a complainant or defendant, it’s important to consider the legal aid you’ll need and how you’ll be able to afford it. You may be able to access pro bono or reduced-price representation depending on the availability of these resources in your local area, but this is not guaranteed. Furthermore, you may prefer to use a profession... ❯❯❯

Who needs a deposition summary?

One of the most important parts of a court case, deposition is vital to the discovery process as it puts forward unknown facts and helps lawyers to get to the key issues in the case. Depositions allow both parties to see the case from the other’s angle. However, a legal deposition can be hours and hundreds of pages long. To save time and to boil a deposition down to its key elements, a deposition... ❯❯❯

The Only Tool You Need For Proofreading Legal Documents

The Only Tool You Need For Proofreading Legal DocumentsFor those just starting in the legal industry, such as paralegals and young lawyers, there’s seemingly no end to the amount of work you have to do. You’ll most likely be swamped with paperwork every day. From drafting lots of pages of formal texts to proofreading legal documents to writing business correspondence and reports, paperwork must be your friend. Of course, all these papers and texts... ❯❯❯

What Types of Cases Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?

Personal injury law encompasses a wide range of civil lawsuits. Some of these are related, but others are not. When a lawyer has handled cases similar to yours before, you may feel more at ease putting your faith in their abilities and trusting their advice.  Common Personal Injury Claims There are several common types of personal injury claims that you should consider consulting a lawyer... ❯❯❯

3 Tips for Getting a Great Score on the LSAT

3 Tips for Getting a Great Score on the LSATThe LSAT exam is the first step towards a career in law, so it’s natural that everyone interested is looking to get the best possible score. Still, the exam is quite extensive and requires extensive preparation, especially if your goal is to get accepted by a prestigious law school like Harvard or Stanford. When you put the pressure and the amount of studying together, it’s no wonder that so... ❯❯❯

5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury LawyerIf you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to engage the services of a personal injury lawyer. Could you make a successful claim on your own? Would an attorney accomplish anything besides taking some of your well-deserved money? Here are five reasons it’s a good idea to hire a personal injury lawyer rather than try to go it alone. #1: Experience Hopefully, you... ❯❯❯

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