Legal Guide

Grocery Store Slip and Fall Settlements: What You Need to Know

Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen at any time to anyone. Unfortunately, grocery stores are one of the places where these types of accidents occur most often. The grocery store can be held liable for the accident in many cases. If you slip and fall while in the store, you should know some important things about getting the settlement you're entitled to for your injuries and losses.

What Are Slip and Fall Grocery Store Settlements?

These settlements are legal agreements between an injured victim and a grocery store or its insurance company. Victims are entitled to a settlement if they can prove that the accident resulted from the grocery store's negligence.

If the store has cameras and there are enough witnesses to testify to the store’s negligence, you should have a strong case. However, it is crucial that you contact a slip and fall accident lawyer right after the incident once you receive the appropriate medical care. Slip and fall accidents are not always slam dunk cases, but with a prominent law firm’s resources, experts, investigators, and attorneys, you could soon reach the settlement negotiations phase.

The settlement amount varies according to how serious the injury is and the level of negligence the grocery store is responsible for. For instance, if the floors at the grocery store are wet and there are no signs to warn customers of this, the store is responsible if someone gets hurt. The settlement could be a few thousand dollars for a sprain or bruise, but some victims could receive a six-figure settlement for serious or long-term injuries.

What Is Included In the Settlement?

You may think that slip-and-fall grocery store settlements will only cover your medical bills. However, if you have a qualified lawyer on your side, you may receive compensation for more than medical care.

Depending on the severity of your injury, you could sue the grocery store for pain and suffering. While pain and suffering are calculated as a medical value, it can be difficult to determine what your suffering is worth. This is because pain and suffering are more than just immediate injuries and can include long-term effects such as having limited mobility in your limbs or walking with a limp after the accident. Lawyers and insurance companies use standard calculations when determining pain and suffering costs. The multiplier method is the most common one.

Your settlement may also include lost wages, and this dollar amount is easier to calculate. However, there are times when lost wages could be overlooked when you're trying to settle. Other than the time you spend in the hospital, recovering from the accident can sometimes prevent you from working for several days or weeks. The grocery store could be liable for paying your wages so you can continue to pay your bills and take care of other living expenses while you're out of work.

In addition to lost wages, you could also receive settlement funds for your loss of earning capacity in some states. If you can't properly perform your job after your injury, the grocery store may be ordered to compensate you for the wages you've lost or for the cost of receiving training in a new job field.

What Settlement Terms Mean for You

Suppose you are awarded a slip-and-fall settlement, or you're in the process of getting a fair settlement. In that case, you need to work with a qualified lawyer to have adequate representation throughout your personal injury case. Even if your accident is minor, your settlement could be worth thousands of dollars. You don't want to pay out-of-pocket for expenses related to your accident if you can help it. When your lawyer works on your behalf to get the settlement you need, you'll be more likely to get your money quickly.

Remember to tell your lawyer all the details surrounding your case and the conditions of the grocery store at the time of your accident. Then, your attorney can use this information to help you get the settlement you deserve for your grocery store slip and fall.

About the author:

Early in his journalism college years, Kerry Tucker had a revelation: there were not nearly enough law communicators. Peoples’ difficulties in understanding the law, procedures, and how the justice system worked stemmed from the fact that no one took the patience to explain complicated matters to them. Therefore, he took upon him the task of helping people navigate legal matters easier. He works with attorneys and other legal journalists, and spends time doing research so that everyone – from a mother whose child got a bike injury to a company needing insurance counsel – to find the actionable answers they are looking for.

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