Legal Guide

What To Do If Your Uber or Lyft Driver Gets Into An Accident?

When you use ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft, you trust that the driver is a responsible adult. You’re probably assuming that they know how to drive and won’t put your life in danger. But what would happen if that trust is broken? Suppose the car is slowing for a red light, you are reading the news on your phone, and you suddenly feel a hit from behind. Accidents while using Lyft or Uber are possible and could leave you facing an injury or worse. Here are the steps you should take if your driver gets into an accident. 

Steps to Take When Your Ride Share Driver Gets into an Accident

An accident can be minor and still leave people with injuries. Here are essential steps to take if you ever experience an accident while riding in an Uber or Lyft. 

Check for Injuries to Yourself and Others

The first thing you should do after an accident involving a ride-share vehicle is to check yourself and other passengers for any injuries. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and not realize there could be severe injuries that need immediate attention. If either driver or any passenger is injured, help them out by calling 911 as soon as possible so they can be taken to a hospital to be treated. 

While you’re waiting for paramedics to arrive, ensure you and others are out of harm’s way and not in danger of being hit by other vehicles. If there are any injuries, try and minimize the damage from getting worse by keeping everyone calm and talking. 

Move the Vehicle to a Safer Location

If the ride-share vehicle is blocking a traffic lane, you could try to move it to a safer location. If it’s safe for you to exit the car, you can try to push it out of traffic, or if it’s a smaller vehicle, you can try to park it in a more appropriate location. If it’s too dangerous to move the car, call 911 so the authorities can send a tow truck to remove the vehicle. When you move the car, please note where it was initially parked. This is helpful information if you need to report the accident. 

Call the Police

It’s essential to call the police after an accident, regardless of who may be at fault. After you call the police, you will be given a report number. Make sure to write this number down and keep it with you, as you may need this to file a claim. Keep track of everything they tell you and any recommendations they make. Having one folder or notebook to keep all this information from the start is helpful.

Gather Evidence

Making sure you have all the evidence you need to support your claims is crucial. If there were any passengers in the vehicle who could corroborate your story, make sure you get their information as soon as possible. If you were driving the vehicle, there might be cameras that recorded the accident. If you have the footage, make sure to keep it safe.

It is also vital that you gather insurance information from everyone involved. It would help if you had the information from your Uber or Lyft driver, the other drivers involved, and the insurance from the drive share company itself. These policy numbers are essential should you have any costs you need to be covered. 

Take Pictures of Everyone, Injuries, and the Vehicles

You can also take pictures of the accident, injuries, and vehicles. This is significant evidence that can come in handy for the investigation. If you have a smartphone, use the camera feature to take pictures. If you don’t have a phone, you can borrow a phone from someone nearby. For anyone unable to take pictures, try to find a witness who can. They can then send those pictures directly to an email or even the police so that you have photographic evidence should the need arise. 

Write Down What Happened

While collecting evidence and taking notes is essential, it’s also helpful to write down what happened. This can help you clarify your thoughts and be better prepared to inform the authorities and the ride-share company. If the other driver caused the accident, they might try to defend themselves by saying your driver was at fault. 

Having notes that describe what occurred can help you defend against these false claims. Take time as soon as possible to write down the events of what transpired. You want to include as many details as possible, noting anything you can remember, from sounds to colors, lanes, turn signals, witnesses, and even what people said immediately following the accident. 

Contact Lyft or Uber to Report the Accident

Once you’ve gathered all the evidence and have written down everything that happened, you should report the accident to the ride-share company. You can do this by calling their helpline or submitting a claim online. You’ll likely have to provide the details of what happened, the names of passengers in the vehicle, the police report number, and any other evidence you gathered. 

Be prepared to wait a few days or weeks for a response. Some companies may respond faster than others, depending on how busy they are. In the meantime, you may want to consult with a Boston personal injury lawyer to ensure you are prepared to handle any situation.

Seek Legal Advice if You Need Proper Representation

If your accident was severe and you sustained injuries, you may want to seek legal advice. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and ensure you are adequately represented. If you’re involved in an accident with a ride-share driver, you should ensure that someone can help you connect with the company as quickly as possible. It may take weeks or months to get a response from the ride-share company, and there is no guarantee that you will be appropriately compensated for your injuries. With legal representation, you can make sure your claims are heard and receive the justice you deserve.

Author Bio:

Daniel J. Larson, Esq.  is the principal attorney at Larson Law. Larson Law is the premier Boston Car Accident Lawyer specializing in business transactions, intellectual property, and civil litigation. Daniel has represented individuals, start-ups, and businesses on corporate formation matters, brand protection, and legal business strategies. 

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