Most drivers in Australia will have a car loan at some point in their lives. It’s a great way to help you to finance the car that you want and allows you to pay back small amounts each month over an agreed loan term. If you’re in a position where you are paying off someone else’s car loan, it’s really important that you understand the risks involved and the importance of having a formal... ❯❯❯
Moving can be stressful enough as it is, but it's even worse when your prized possessions are damaged or lost during transit. It can be hard to choose removalists that you trust, and it’s worse if they don’t handle your belongings with the care that you would. If you do have the misfortune of ending up with damaged or lost belongings during your move it is good to know what to do to get compensati... ❯❯❯
When it comes to completing a tax return, aside from the occasional late submission or mistake on the form, most people want to do the right thing and follow the rules. But have you ever stopped to wonder just what would happen if you did get in serious hot water with the ATO? Let’s take a look at the most common kind of tax mistakes and the penalties you can face. False or Misleading Statements... ❯❯❯
Car accidents can't be helped sometimes, even if you are careful about driving or you have checked every part of your car if it is working. It may cause a malfunction of your co-driver or just plain wrong driving decisions from them. This kind of accident can affect all aspects of your life - physical, emotional, or mental. If you are engaged in a vehicular accident, and you are not injured,... ❯❯❯
In the current economy, it gets very hard to foot unplanned medical bills for injuries sustained at work. However, this is something that can change when you have an attorney who has specialized in workers' compensation law. According to, if you are injured on duty and qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, then you need to get medical treatment and payments for the... ❯❯❯
You have been contemplating divorce for quite a long time and finally made up your mind for that. But, a little mistake from your side can create some issues, which might act like thorn in your path. Unless you have expert advice and some top tips by your side, divorce can be a strenuous process for you. So, make sure to chalk down these tops mistakes that you have to avoid while considering... ❯❯❯
William T. Reid, IV is one of the founding members of the Reid Collins & Tsai LLP. He is a true commercial litigator who has handled a wide range of civil and criminal cases before juries and judges for more than two decades. William Reid represents public companies, private businesses, liquidators, SEC receivers, and bankruptcy fiduciaries. William is considered to be one of the best lawyers in... ❯❯❯
In many cases, accepting a settlement has several advantages over taking a personal injury claim to trial. The decision to either accept a settlement or go to trial is a highly personal one, but understanding the advantages of both can help you make a more informed decision about your case. If you are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, one of your biggest worries might be what will... ❯❯❯
Any business entity, regardless of its nature, size, and scale, is at the risk of facing several legal issues. These issues can be caused due to several reasons such as a breach of contract, fallout with a partner, not meeting the quality standard in the production department etc. Dealing with the issues discussed above can not only cause a firm financial loss but their reputation is also at the... ❯❯❯
When it comes to the best lawsuit loan companies, you need to ensure you are getting quality service. Unfortunately when fighting a lawsuit, litigation or negotiation with an insurance company; there can be unnecessary delays (often times purposely delayed to promote a lesser settlement of your injury claim). The insurance company doesn't have a lot to work with when you hire an attorney, other... ❯❯❯