Legal Guide

William County Legal Representation Guide

If you’re looking for the proper legal representation in William County, then we have found the right one for you. But you’re going to need to know just what kind of lawyer you’re going to need in order to get the best defense case for you. If you’ve got criminal charges or infractions against you, then with the right lawyer, you can even get the right consultation by hiring a lawyer in the area. It’s always best to hire local, and we’ll tell you why in this handy guide on how to get the right lawyer on your side.

What About the Court Appointed Lawyers?

Court appointed lawyers can be fine depending on what kind of representation you need. In most cases though, if it’s criminal defense, it’s always best to hire a lawyer for many reasons. Some of the main reasons why the defense lawyer that you get isn’t just a plan appointed one are:

The Buddy System

First and foremost, while it’s always important to have a lawyer that has respect in the court system (and sometimes is feared by the prosecutors), you don’t always get this if you get the wrong court appointed lawyers. They’re dime a dozen and they’re often best friends with the prosecuting attorney and the judges – or sometimes even the local law enforcement – which means this is a no-go for you.

You Don’t Get Anything in Return

As the above states, because you aren’t paying for a decent attorney, you won’t always get the judgement reduced in the right precepts that you would if you hired a lawyer out of pocket. Therefore, you’re not necessarily getting anything in return other than a possibly diminished sentence, and they many not go with the plea bargain you need in order to get out of your confined judgement. Hiring a good defense attorney can improve the quality of the trial for you and get you more in return when it comes to plea bargains and rewards.

Court Appointed Lawyers Don’t Have Your Best Interest in Mind

By hiring a court appointed lawyer, they’re getting paid by the state. Therefore, you’re going to get a mediocre quality lawyer that only gets the minimal defense to you that they can so they can make sure they’re paid. Most hired defense attorneys rely on a positive successful defense case and some even offer the chance to not charge anything other than their retainer fee unless they win your case.


With Legal Powers, you get the best local criminal defense attorney you can find in the William County area. With years of experience, Ben has been rising to be one of the top priority attorneys that are a recommended choice not only for those with criminal defense charges, but also civil litigation. As a Better Business Bureau Accredited Lawyers, he has been defending numerous people and even has won a ton of awards including a Client’s Choice Award in 2017. If you need representation and you are in trouble, don’t hesitate to give Mr. Powers (and no, we don’t mean Austin Powers) a call today!

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