Legal Guide

What To Do If You Are Charged for Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a problem that affects millions of people in the United States. Victims will often feel like they can't go on, especially when legal action is necessary.

Then there is the other side of the coin - what happens when you’ve been falsely accused of sexual assault. What do you do?

Here, we will discuss how to defend yourself through legal action and what information you should be prepared to provide. We'll also talk about what kind of help you can expect from law enforcement and other professionals.

What to do after you have been charged for sexual assault

If you have been charged for sexual assault, chances are, you have to now fight for your freedom and to clear your name. Here is what you should expect to happen:

The police will be hard on you

Expect the police to be very hard on you. They are going to try and break you down, using evidence to try to get a confession. You must make sure that you do not crumble under the pressure, and never tell them anything. Only communicate with them through your lawyer, as they can provide you with a solid defence and ensure nothing is used against you.

Describe the situation

The first thing you should do after you are charged is to immediately report it to a sexual assault lawyer. Here's a guide on how to go about discussing it with your lawyer. It’s important to make it clear to your lawyer what happened during the event. Give your point of view and describe your thoughts and actions. The more information you provide your lawyer, the better they can build a case for your defence.

Prove evidence that supports your case

Victims of sexual assault often have to go through a lengthy and traumatic investigation that can sometimes include a medical examination and a rape kit. That means that there could be a stack of medical evidence against you if indeed, there were sexual relations.

You now have to provide an alternative viewpoint and you can only do that by providing them with a stack of evidence. Use everything at your disposal, including personal messages, texts, emails, and other people’s accounts of your relationship and interactions.

Utilizing the power of the group

The great thing about legal action is that it is usually effective. The people in power often turn to court cases to ensure that their position and power aren't challenged, especially when it comes to sexual assault.

It's also very likely that the person who falsely accused you will appear in court. Even if you don't see them, just knowing that they will be in court and that you have the opportunity to face them will be extremely helpful to you in overcoming any obstacles.

Acknowledging your challenge

Once the shock of the charge has worn off, it's important to let yourself feel the way you want to feel. You will likely be flooded with all kinds of emotions, so it's best to sit with them and deal with them for a few days. You can do these things to support yourself:

  • Speak to family and friends
  • Talk to a counsellor
  • Consult your lawyer
  • Distract yourself

Final Thoughts

A false accusation is an absolutely horrific event to go through. Defendants may feel alone, depressed and nervous. To get better, you need to believe in yourself and in others.

Learn about the factors that could help you to make your case stronger and what you can expect from the legal system and help you prepare to take action.

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