Legal Guide

Tactics Commonly Used by Insurance Companies to Obstruct Personal Injury Claims

When you are involved in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries and damages suffered. If you sustain personal injuries due to a car accident, medical malpractice, assault or a slip and fall case, it is important to make sure that you receive the settlement amount you deserve. However, you must be aware that most insurance companies and adjusters will either offer lowball settlements or try to stall your personal injury claim altogether. Here are some common insurance company stall tactics you should be aware of.

Telling You Not to Hire an Attorney

In the challenging aftermath of a bad car accident, staff from the insurance company will act like they are out to help you. They seemingly offer the guidance you need, but it’s usually the opposite. In most cases, the staff will tell you not to call a lawyer and claim that they only need the truth from you. But you should always have a personal injury attorney by your side. An experienced lawyer like Mike Pines in San Diego will be aware of the tactics insurance companies use. They will look out for your best interests until you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Offering a Quick Settlement in Exchange for Signing a Release

Most insurance companies will rush to offer a settlement after an accident: they know that victims of such accidents are vulnerable and will be tempted to take the money offered to them. This could be a time when medical bills are piling up and you do not have any income since you could be unable to work. In return, the insurance company will require you to sign a release. In effect, you will not be in a position to seek further compensation in case the recovery takes longer, injuries worsen, or there are medical debts.

Denying Liability

In some cases, insurance firms will deny liability either partially or completely. Some of the arguments that they can come up with include claiming that you were partly at fault or that that the injuries and damages suffered were not as a result of the said accident. This tactic makes it easy for them to devalue the claim or make you give up as a result of frustration.

Downplaying Your Injuries

Insurance companies can go to the extent of claiming that the injuries suffered are not as serious as your doctor says. They will then hire their own doctor to examine you and write a medical report supporting their claims. Such tactics can leave you feeling frustrated and confused in the wake of a devastating accident.

Employing Delay Tactics

A good number of people face financial difficulties after an accident. Since insurance companies know this, they will try to employ a host of delay tactics. This way, you are likely to settle for a lower amount or give up completely.

Lawyers Can Help You to Avoid These Tactics

A personal injury lawyer has the expertise and experience required to file your claim and follow up on the process until you get a fair settlement. The legal expert will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and represent you in a court of law in the event that the parties fail to agree on a reasonable settlement amount. Above all, your attorney will make sure that your legal rights are protected and your interests represented throughout this period so that the insurance company does not take advantage of you.

When hiring a personal injury lawyer to file a claim on your behalf and represent your interest, you need to look for an experienced one. It is also important to ensure the lawyer is reliable and trustworthy. This will ensure that you are in safe hands and give you the peace of mind you need as you recover from any injuries.

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