Undocumented immigrants often fall victim to heinous human trafficking schemes. Undocumented people are targeted by human traffickers in a modern-day version of slavery. One may think of human trafficking just as sexual slaves, however immigrants are also targeted as illegal farm workers, domestic help, and used for dangerous work of all types. Alexandra Lozano Immigration Law uses all the legal... ❯❯❯
Dogs may be man's best friend, but these domestic creatures are still animals. Being bitten by a dog is a traumatic experience. These injuries are very painful and usually leave a nasty scar. If the dog's teeth pierce a nerve, lasting damage may occur. In some instances, dog bites can even be deadly. It's impossible to predict if and when a dog may attack. That's why most local laws make owners... ❯❯❯
Business insurance recovery is referred to as subrogation. The process involves a separate claim by the insurance company against the party that caused the damages in a lawsuit. Under the circumstances, the insurance paid out funds to the policyholder to cover liabilities related to a plaintiff's claim. The insurer can start a new claim against the person if it is discovered that the plaintiff... ❯❯❯
Getting in debt is a common financial problem that people find themselves in, and going through it can be challenging. In return for their debts being forgiven, people proceed with declaring bankruptcy. It is the most suitable solution when the debtor’s operations aren’t viable anymore or can’t be restructured to provide greater value. When overburdening debts or loans begin to weight you down,... ❯❯❯
You may have recently realized that you are an heir to the estate of a parent or someone you care about. Expect to wait a long time for your inheritance, even if you are the rightful heir. Before the assets may be dispersed, the estate may be required by state law to go through the probate process, which can take months or even years. In the meanwhile, an inheritance funding company can help you... ❯❯❯
Philadelphia Injury Lawyers, P.C. Whenever somebody else's improper behavior, carelessness, or deliberate act causes harm, personal injury law, also known as tort law, allows an affected person to seek compensation. A successful personal injury claim might result from a variety of factors, but bear in mind that an injury does not automatically suggest legal liability. The knowledgeable attorneys... ❯❯❯
In general, a personal injury is any physical or mental damage that happens to a person. A bodily injury is physical harm of any type that results from an accident. Injuries can occur after being hit by a careless driver, tripping on an uneven sidewalk, slipping in the bathtub and hitting your head, or getting injured while playing sports.
Personal injury includes physical or mental damage... ❯❯❯
Finally, being able to start your business feels like a dream come true but running your own business is just as daunting and challenging as it is exciting. Even though there is no guarantee of success when it comes to running your business, but the combination of entrepreneurial spirit, hard work, determination, and understanding of the market, will improve your success chance. Another important... ❯❯❯
The birth of a child is a major milestone in anyone’s life. It should also mean that employees have time to be with their significant other and care for their new child. Ideally, this can all be done without the intervention of an employment lawyer. When it comes to parental leave in Ontario, Canada, there are more than a few things to know. With this guide, you will have a better understanding... ❯❯❯
"So, I lost money. Now what?" The new year is approaching fast, and like many investors who made some wrong choices in 2021, you may be wondering how to move on after suffering an investment loss. There's no question; it's tough when you've lost money on any of your investments. You may be tempted to pull out your investments, sell them for a fraction of the price you paid, and run away. But... ❯❯❯