Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 252)

What Is a Petty Crime and Does It Make Me a Criminal?

We all know that public drunkenness, pick pocketing and other such crimes are punishable by law. They carry fines and are considered criminal offences but are not severe enough to be deemed as major offences. The name given to these smaller crimes is petty crime, and laws vary widely on this subject. Here is what you need to know about petty crimes, what are the punishments awarded, and the legal... ❯❯❯

What Can a Lawyer Do for a DUI?

You or a family member may be arrested for driving under the influence of liquor, commonly called DUI. Anyone can unintentionally drink too much, get behind the wheel and be stopped for DUI. But harsh federal laws mean that if you are arrested for DUI, you should call an experienced lawyer for the best possible legal representation. While laws differ from state to state, federal regulations... ❯❯❯

When Should I Hire A Lawyer?

There are many circumstances when it is necessary for an individual to hire a lawyer. The help of an attorney will prove invaluable when facing serious criminal charges or complex legal issues. Regardless of the nature of your issue, it is important to hire a lawyer who has experience handling your type of case in order to get the best outcome for your situation. DUI and Criminal Offense... ❯❯❯

What to Ask Your Potential Lawyer

When you are looking for a disability lawyer, be sure to ask a lot of questions. There are several things you want to find out from the firm or practice before you choose an attorney. Some lawyers make a point to look fancy by driving cars that create the appearance that they do well. But how do you know your attorney will be the right one for your disability case? 1.      Has this lawyer already... ❯❯❯

Information about Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is a relatively new legal phenomenon, having only been around for the past twenty years. Basically, it’s an attempt to get divorcing couples to sit down with their lawyers and come to a negotiated settlement instead of going through court proceedings to ‘air their dirty linen’. The Process All parties commit themselves to finding an agreeable outcome, while at the same time... ❯❯❯

Why DUIs Affect More Than Those Drinking

Image by roland Most people that hear DUI immediately think that a person was driving under the influence of alcohol.  While most of the DUI convictions made by the police are related to the abuse of alcohol, an increasing concern is people abusing prescription and other forms of drugs and driving as well.  The part that concerns authorities the most is the inability to detect these types of... ❯❯❯

Work Related Injuries: Who is at Fault?

Some states, such as Colorado, have a no fault system in place. This means that you are entitled to compensation if you are injured on the job, regardless of who was actually at fault. This may seem unfair to employers, but it is due to the fact that at times it is difficult and burdensome to figure out who is actually at fault. Meanwhile, the worker suffers unjustly.  Worker compensation laws... ❯❯❯

5 Things That You Should Know When Looking For a Lawyer

Seeking legal help for the settlement of certain issues is an accepted norm in today’s complex and competitive world. However, the answer to finding the best solution for the problem lies in finding the right lawyer. The concern here is not the scarcity of lawyers but lack of diligence on the part of the client to find the right lawyer. Finding a lawyer is not a difficult task if you put in a... ❯❯❯

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