Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 163)

What to Do After an Auto Accident: 5 Top Tips

What to Do After an Auto Accident: 5 Top TipsIf you have been involved in an auto accident, there are various things that you can do to not only protect your health and wellbeing, but help strengthen your case and entitle you to the compensation you deserve. In the aftermath, it can be hard to remember which steps to take, so here are five top tips that you should memorize now so that you are aware of what to do should the worst happen. ... ❯❯❯

US Immigration Law 101: What Immigrants Need to Know

US Immigration Law 101: What Immigrants Need to KnowWhether you’re interested in immigrating to the US or you already work here (and want to learn more about immigration law), our guide covers everything you need to know about US immigration law in 2020. Over 44 million people are living in the US who were born in a foreign country. Understanding the nuances behind the US immigration system, and specifically how the law plays into those nuances,... ❯❯❯

How Much Does a Hardship License Cost?

How Much Does a Hardship License Cost?If you have lost your driver’s license due to an OUI conviction or some sort of alternate disposition or plea deal in the Massachusetts courts, then you may already be aware of the fact that there is an option known as a Hardship License, colloquially referred to as a “Cinderella License” because it expires after a certain time each day. There are many specific requirements that you will need to... ❯❯❯

What Can I Do If My Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home?

What Can I Do If My Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home?The first thing to do immediately is to notify management of the incident or pattern of behaviors, or whatever has caused you to suspect that there are abuse and neglect occurring in the facility. However, if the harm will have an imminent effect or has been going on for so long individuals are in immediate need, then call law enforcement officials. It is also recommended to inform your local... ❯❯❯

What Happens at a Juvenile Arraignment?

What Happens at a Juvenile Arraignment?The arraignment is the hearing during which the juvenile is formally charged. The court asks the juvenile is they plead guilty or not guilty to the charges against them. It is very different from the way adults are tried in court cases. Minors do not have the same constitutional rights as adults. It’s important to know that some rights that juveniles have were decided by the U.S. Supreme Court,... ❯❯❯

What Happens If I Plead Not Guilty To A DUI?

What Happens If I Plead Not Guilty To A DUI?After you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) you will appear for your hearing in front of a judge for you to state how you will plead to the crime. If you settle for a plea deal or a plea bargain, then you will end up facing most of the same consequences if you had fought the charge, except that you would have spent less time and money on finally being handed a sentence.... ❯❯❯

What Should I do When I've Been Wrongfully Terminated?

What Should I do When I've Been Wrongfully Terminated?In addition to the obvious financial loss that a person experiences after getting fired, job loss can cause a person to be depressed and stressed at the prospect of looking for another place to work. If you have lost your job, you might be considering suing your ex-employer. Texas is an at-will state, which means you can quit your job at any time for any reason and your employer can fire you at... ❯❯❯

3 Signs You Need A Wrongful Death Lawyer

3 Signs You Need A Wrongful Death LawyerLosing a loved one is a terrible experience to go through, and if your loved one was the victim of wrongful death, it can be even more upsetting knowing that this could have been avoided. Following this tragic loss, you will need to navigate a maze of legal steps in order to make sure that you and your family are financially protected from the impacts that this loss may have on your stability and... ❯❯❯

5 Good Things about Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys

Read the article to learn why it is essential to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to defend your case in the court of law firmly. #1: Better Understanding of Legal Process When you are working with an experienced law attorney, you would realize that he has the superior knowledge of the legal process related to your case. He can meritoriously help you and guide you through the... ❯❯❯

How a Lawyer Can Help Settle Debts and Financial Problems

Financial problems can become a real struggle for the average household. Whether you've taken out multiple loans, are about to lose your home to foreclosure or have creditors hounding you down at all hours of the day and night, you need help from a trained legal professional. Considering you can see here how much law school costs and the amount of education lawyers receive, it is good to know... ❯❯❯

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