Legal Guide

Best SEO Strategies for Law Firms

So, you’ve passed the bar and started your own law firm. You may now be wondering, how exactly to get a multitude of clients in the door.

It’s no secret that the majority of people looking for a law firm simply type “[enter speciality] law firm near me”, and will typically visit the top 3 firms that pop up in the search results pages. But, how exactly do you get your website in the top results?

The strategies for promoting your new law firm’s website don't require you to be a computer programmer. There are a few simple methods to boost the number of clients that find you in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

We asked Rankings, a law firm SEO agency to provide us with some good examples of online marketing strategies for law firms. To learn more, read on.

1.   SEO Strategy #1: Improve the Speed of Your Website

The speed at which a user may access your website affects your search engine rankings and user experience.

Imagine this: Just a day delay in the time it takes for a page or blog post to load could give rise to the following:

  1. Page views can be reduced by 11%
  2. Visitor dissatisfaction can be increased by 16%
  3. Client acquisition can be reduced by 7%

Your law firm business could be significantly impacted by the speed of your website. When looking for a lawyer, potential clients might not have the patience to wait for your site to load before moving on to another lawyer's website that loads more quickly.

2.   SEO Strategy #2: Focus On the Experience of Your Visitor

According to Google and other search engines, you should concentrate on website design and user experience. Google aims to provide the best experiences by showing the most relevant and user-friendly sites for a given query.

A responsive website for your law firm is one that can be seen on both a mobile device and a desktop. You cannot afford to lose prospective clients to a competitor who maintains an advantage in the digital race, given how many people now use their cell phones to find information.

Your website's content is another aspect of user experience. Search engines use a few images and text on all of your pages to understand each page's content.

Consider some of the top websites you like to visit. When someone reads your law firm's blog or visits your site, you want to provide them with that kind of experience.

3.   SEO Strategy #3: Ensure To Use Words That People Search For

The most crucial element of your SEO strategy for your law firm is knowing which words are used in search engines.

Use keywords liberally across your blog and website to improve its search engine rankings and draw in more visitors. Keywords are phrases or words people type into search engines to find products or services.

You can utilize a variety of free research tools to figure out which specific keywords visitors are using. Below are a few you can use right away:

  1. SERPS
  3. Google Keyword Planner
  4.  WordStream

4.   SEO Strategy #4: Create Blog Posts or Pages Using Specific Keywords

The next step is to create blog posts or pages with those keywords once you have found the keywords associated with your law firm.

Ensure to use specific keywords, and don't be hesitant to build sites around keywords with low search volume. For instance, if a keyword like "high-cost divorce lawyer" only receives 15 to 50 monthly searches, your website might be the only one that is detailed enough to address their questions and potential business inquiries.

5.   SEO Strategy #5: Avoid Penalties

A few acknowledged penalties can harm you, even though no one fully comprehends how search engines rank websites. Mentioned below are a few you need to be aware of:

  • If your site displays full content to Google but only incomplete content to your users, you will receive this penalty. For instance, if you mandate users to log in, register, or sign up in order to view the entire content.
  • Hacked website. Search engines such as Google will immediately notice if your site has been hacked and is sending users to spammy websites and flag it. The outcomes may cause your website to fall farther down the search engine results pages.
  • Keyword Stuffing. Search engines occasionally use keyword phrases in your law firm's blog to help them decide which content to show to searchers. Nonetheless, if you overuse the keyword (sometimes referred to as "keyword stuffing"), your website may suffer.


Even though there are more SEO strategies for law firms, these five SEO strategies explained in this post are a good start. To enhance your search engine rankings and user experience, find an agency that offers top-notch law firm SEO services.

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