Legal Guide

What Types of Damages Are Recoverable in a Car Crash?

If you’ve recently been in an automobile accident for which you were not at fault, then you could be looking at several losses, such as the damage to your vehicle and the injuries you have sustained. Depending on your injuries, you may even be facing a good amount of recovery time, and that is going to cut into the time you would normally be spending at work.

You don’t want to have to fork over a bunch of your hard-earned money to replace your vehicle or pay a bunch of medical bills for an accident that you didn’t cause. A personal injury lawsuit may be an option to consider to make sure you get the compensation you deserve out of this ordeal.

If you’re thinking about seeking a Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyer, or one in your community, to help get your case going, then it will do you some good to be brought up to speed on some of the damages you could potentially seek in your case. Whether you are going for a settlement or wanting to sue, these are a few damages that you could be deservedly compensated for.

Medical Bills

Car accidents can rack up a good amount of money in medical bills, and it is only reasonable for the responsible party to cover these costs for you if they were at fault in the collision. Many factors go into the overall costs of medical bills, including:

  • The cost of a ride in the ambulance, if one was called
  • The amount of time you stayed in the hospital
  • Whether or not you needed any kind of surgery after the accident
  • Your recovery time and physical therapy, if needed

Damage to Your Vehicle

If you were in an automobile accident, it only makes sense to assume that your car was damaged or completely totaled. If this is the case, this is yet another damage that you could seek compensation for. Not having a vehicle diminishes your ability to get to and from work, as well as making sure your family gets wherever they need to go, like school and other jobs.

You could be compensated for the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle.

Lost Wages

If you were injured in the car accident, you could be looking at recovery time or even physical therapy to get back to your normal self. Dealing with recovery time, physical therapy, and doctor’s visits takes away time you would normally be spending at work, and all of this results in lost income for you.

Lost income is another damage that you and your personal injury attorney can seek compensation for. If you were not at fault in your accident, then it is only fair that you are compensated for any time you miss away from work.

Make Sure You Receive What You Deserve

It wouldn’t be fair for you to get into an auto accident for which you were not at fault, only to not receive any compensation for your pain and suffering. Whether your case is able to be settled out of the courtroom, or whether it goes to trial, a great personal injury attorney will be able to help you navigate the legal waters and help you get the money you deserve for the ordeal you faced.

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