Legal Guide

What to Do if You Hit an Illegally Parked Car in Virginia

You Hit an Illegally Parked Car: Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

It's a scenario that can happen to anyone: you're driving along, and suddenly, you hit a car that's parked illegally. This situation can be confusing and stressful, leaving you unsure of how to proceed. In Virginia, as in many places, the rules surrounding such incidents are specific and require careful navigation. This article aims to guide you through the steps you should take if you find yourself in this predicament, offering solutions and legal insights.

The Complexity of Car Accidents Involving Illegally Parked Cars

Car accidents, especially if they involve bike accidents, can be daunting. When you add the complexity of the other vehicle being illegally parked, it can become even more challenging to understand your obligations and rights. According to Virginia law, all drivers have a duty to avoid accidents, even with illegally parked cars. However, the fact that the other car was parked illegally can impact the determination of fault and liability.

Immediate Steps to Take After the Accident

If you hit an illegally parked car, it's crucial to handle the situation responsibly:

  • Safety First: Check for any injuries and call emergency services if necessary.
  • Document the Scene: Take photos of the accident, including the position of the illegally parked car.
  • Report the Accident: Notify the police, especially if there’s significant damage or if the other car is blocking traffic.
  • Leave a Note: If the other car's driver isn't present, leave a note with your contact and insurance information.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurer about the accident as soon as possible.

Understanding Fault and Liability

Determining fault in accidents involving illegally parked cars can be complex. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Negligence and Liability: Both parties could be considered negligent – you for hitting the car and the other driver for parking illegally.
  • Comparative Fault: Virginia follows a "comparative fault" rule, meaning that your compensation could be reduced by your percentage of fault.

Legal Considerations and When to Seek Help

In some cases, seeking legal advice is prudent, especially if:

  • There are Disputes Over Fault: If there’s a disagreement about who is at fault, a lawyer can help gather evidence and present your case.
  • The Accident Results in a Lawsuit: If the other party files a lawsuit, having a lawyer becomes essential.
  • Insurance Issues Arise: If you're having trouble with your insurance claim, a lawyer can provide assistance and representation.

Why Contacting a Lawyer Can Be Beneficial:

  • Expert Advice: Lawyers can offer guidance based on the specifics of your case.
  • Negotiation Skills: They can negotiate with insurance companies or the other party on your behalf.
  • Legal Representation: If the case goes to court, a lawyer will represent your interests.

A Real-World Scenario

Imagine John, a Virginia resident, who accidentally hit a car parked illegally in a no-parking zone. Initially, John was worried about being wholly at fault. However, after consulting with an attorney, he learned that the other driver’s illegal parking action was also considered in determining fault. With legal guidance, John could navigate the insurance claim process more effectively.

FAQs: Dealing with Accidents Involving Illegally Parked Cars

  1. What should I do immediately after hitting an illegally parked car? Ensure safety, document the scene, report the accident, leave a note for the other driver, and inform your insurance company.
  2. How is fault determined in such accidents in Virginia? Fault is determined by considering both the negligence of hitting the car and the illegality of the parked car’s position.
  3. When should I consider hiring a lawyer? Consider hiring a lawyer if there are disputes over fault, potential lawsuits, or issues with your insurance claim.


Hitting an illegally parked car can be a complicated situation. Understanding your responsibilities and rights is crucial. Remember, in situations where fault is disputed or legal issues arise, seeking professional legal advice can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of your specific case.

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