Legal Guide

Safe Driving Tips for Teens

Car accident statistics are enough to give any parent pause before handing their car keys over to their teenager driving a car for the first time. For many teenagers, getting a license is a rite of passage. Unfortunately, with this independence comes the risk of a potential car accident. Young drivers must treat driving as a privilege and take precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them. Read on to learn some safe driving tips for new drivers from the attorneys at Armstrong Lee & Baker, LLP that can help keep your teen safe as they enjoy this exciting responsibility.

Understand Your Car

One of the top safe driving tips for teens is for your teen to familiarize themselves with the car they plan to drive regularly. Recommend that your teenager read through the vehicle’s owners manual to know how to operate their car safely.

Basic car maintenance is an essential requirement for any driver. Your teen should know how often their car requires an oil change or new tires. They should also keep a complete vehicle emergency kit. Parents may also consider getting their children a subscription to a roadside assistance provider.

Remove Distractions

In 2020, 3,719 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted teen driver. Demand that your teen never text, use social media, or talk on the phone while driving. Any text or post can wait until your teen arrives safely at their destination or has pulled their car over in a safe place. 

Maintain Distance and Drive Slowly

Help your teen understand that driving too close to another car is dangerous. It increases their chances of getting involved in an auto accident. Following too closely reduces a car’s ability to stop without colliding when a situation suddenly changes. Additionally, teach your teen to be aware of what’s around their vehicle to avoid collisions and to check their blind spots before changing lanes.

Speeding accounts for countless fatalities each year. Encourage your teen to accept that it’s better to be late than involved in a severe collision.


Young drivers can never get enough practice, so let your teen drive as much as possible to gain familiarity with their car. Exposure to different situations helps them gain the needed experience to become a safe driver and stay calm when they face these situations alone. Include your teen in activities like running errands, and make each outing a lesson for your teen in safety and control.

Don’t Drive Under the Influence

Advise your teen about the dangers of drinking or using drugs and driving. Young drivers, those aged 16-20, are 17 times more likely to die in a crash when they have a blood alcohol concentration of .08% than when they have not been drinking. Scary statistics can often help teens understand the seriousness of driving under the influence. 

Limit Nighttime Driving

Limit your teen’s permitted driving times to daylight hours until they gain more experience on the road. Night driving creates substantial hazards for even the most experienced drivers due to limited visibility and fatigued drivers on the streets.

Set an Example

One of the best ways to reinforce safe driving habits in your teen is to demonstrate them when you drive. Showing good driving techniques, exhibiting responsible behavior, and avoiding distractions like texting, talking, and eating helps your teen driver adopt these safe habits.

The statistics surrounding the dangers of teen driving can scare any parent into hiding their car keys. Communicating and discussing safe driving tips for teens helps your child gain the knowledge needed to be a safe driver.

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