Legal Guide

Personal Injury vs Bodily Injury: What’s The Difference?

In general, a personal injury is any physical or mental damage that happens to a person. A bodily injury is physical harm of any type that results from an accident. Injuries can occur after being hit by a careless driver, tripping on an uneven sidewalk, slipping in the bathtub and hitting your head, or getting injured while playing sports.

Personal injury includes physical or mental damage suffered by the injured party (the person suing) in an accident caused by another’s carelessness. Bodily injury, on the other hand, is any kind of harm that results from an accident. Personal injury can be quite serious and may even require surgery, while bodily injury usually refers to less serious injuries or damage.

Both types of injuries can be claimed in any number of incidents, such as getting hit by a careless driver, tripping on an uneven sidewalk, slipping in the bathtub and hitting your head, or getting injured while playing sports. Some injuries are more severe than others; personal injury includes physical or mental damage that could require surgery, while bodily injury usually refers to less serious injuries or damage.

While some personal injury claims are for wrongful death, they can also be for anything from pain and suffering to medical bills. Bodily injury claims, on the other hand, only include medical expenses, loss of income due to missed work, and possibly property damage. Both types of claims can be pursued under the law and may result in a settlement or verdict by the injury lawyer.

Personal Injury: The general term for any physical, mental, or emotional harm caused to an individual by the negligence of another party. Personal injury does not just refer to injuries that require medical treatment; it also includes such things as disfigurement and scarring. Damages recovered for personal injury generally include compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of spousal relations, etc.

Bodily injury is an individual’s physical or mental harm that is caused by accident or negligence. Bodily injuries generally are visible to the eye and are medically diagnosed. This may include broken bones, lacerations, or psychological harm that results from an accident. Damages recovered for bodily injury can include compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, mental anguish, etc.

Both Personal Injury and Bodily Injury are terms used to describe the effect of a person’s action on another individual, either physically or emotionally. A Personal Injury can be caused by physical harm, while Bodily Harm is an injury that involves the body rather than the mind. There are several factors that distinguish both of these terms, including price, time, and legal representation by the injury lawyer involved in pursuing either claim.

A personal injury is one that affects your mental or physical state, while bodily injury has more to do with your physical state. Bodily harm is typically visible, while the personal injury isn’t always easy to spot. Personal injuries can include scarring or disfigurement, while bodily injury refers to medical expenses and pain and suffering.

Personal injury involves the mental or physical problems suffered by an individual due to the negligence of another party which may require medical treatment. It may include physical or mental damage requiring surgery, disfigurement and scarring. Bodily injury is any type of harm that results from an accident, including medical expenses, loss of income due to missed work, and damaged property, if applicable.

Personal injury generally refers to non-physical damages suffered by a person as the result of a tort or breach of contract. Personal injuries can include things like mental anguish, loss of companionship, and pain and suffering. Bodily injury, on the other hand, refers to physical harm caused by an accident.

A personal injury is any type of non-economic loss that results from a negligent act committed by another party that requires medical treatment. The term is usually applied to physical or mental harm that is caused by accidents or defective products. Bodily injury, however, refers to loss of income due to missed work, property damage, and medical expenses incurred because of an accident.

Personal injury includes both physical and non-physical harm such as scarring or disfigurement (physical) and mental anguish or loss of companionship (non-physical). Bodily injury refers to medical expenses, property damage, missed workdays, and pain and suffering.

There is a difference between personal injuries and bodily injuries. But what exactly is the difference? The main distinction lies in the fact that a personal injury only includes physical or mental harm while the bodily injury is a result of an accident and includes medical expenses, pain and suffering, good days missed from work, etc. Although at times, there can be gray areas between the two.

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