Legal Guide

TRO in NJ? Here’s what you need to know!

It can be frightening to get a temporary restraining order (TRO). A restraining order is meant to protect the plaintiff from the defendant. Anyone with whom you shared a domestic relationship in NJ can get a TRO against you. The TRO remains in place until the final hearing, which is usually scheduled within ten days. Given that the clock is ticking, you need to get an attorney on your side. Best-rated names like Lento Law Firm have worked in the field for years, and their attorneys can help you get the best possible outcome, i.e., getting the TRO quashed, depending on the circumstances.

Get a qualified attorney

You may not understand everything that you read in the TRO, and it’s important that you have a qualified attorney on your side. They can explain the dos and don’ts and why you need to follow everything that’s mentioned in the TRO. They will also start working on the case because you must present evidence and witnesses at the hearing to avoid a final restraining order or FRO. FROs in NJ remain in place forever, even if you reconcile with the plaintiff. Only the court can dismiss the FRO when requested by the plaintiff. Ensure that you prevent that from happening by hiring a lawyer.

Keep up with your TRO

You may feel that the temporary restraining order is not fair or justified, but you are required to follow the same without any deviation. The TRO may forbid you from possessing firearms and follow strict no-contact rules with the plaintiff. You may also lose the right to contact your children, although you may still need to pay for child support. If you share the home with the plaintiff, you may need to look for temporary housing and must get someone else or contact law enforcement to get your personal things from the house.

Follow the norms

Even if the accuser decides to get the TRO dismissed, you may have to do a few things. It may include completing meetings with state-affiliated counselors and handling the necessary paperwork. In some cases, people are required to appear before the judge, who can decide to either dismiss the TRO or order a final hearing.

You need to be present in person for the FRO hearing, and your lawyer will help present witnesses and evidence for your case. Make sure that you work with your lawyer and prepare for the questions that could be asked by the other side during the FRO hearing.

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